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EVA 10mm Thick 1x1meter

EVA is one of the most important materials out there to all levels of cosplayers. It is a strong, flexible, formable and cheap material. It can be used for nearly everything cosplay from armors to props. Its main use is for metal or composite replication, meaning armor and all kinds of it! If painted properly the foam can look just like metal or composite materials like Iron Man Armor, Mass Effect Armor or even Dragon Age Armor.

Product ID: EVA10mm1x1meter

Available now

38,99 EUR

additional. 0% VAT and shipping Versand
Weight: 18 kg


Please note that for shipment of large volume products such as Thermoplastic sheets, EVA foams and Large sculpting forms, VOLUME will be calculated rather than WEIGHT.
When ordering these products we will quote you separately for shipping AFTER you have placed your order with us. Thank you for your understanding.


Let us help you find your way.

The list below may help you find what you are looking for via an alternative path.

  • Casting

    a wide range of flexible and rigid casting materials.

  • Composites

    resins, poyester, epoxy, acrylic resin, glass fibres etc.

  • Cosplay

    Products to make your own Cosplay Costumes and Props!

  • Foam

    expanding flexible and rigid foams, rigid blocks.

  • Molding

    flexible and rigid molding for all sorts of objects.

  • Prototyping

    resins and other materials used for rapid prototyping.

  • Restoration

    restoring in- and exterior ornaments and buildings.

  • Special Properties

  • Textile

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